Adhoc Integration

Shipping Integrations

Select how MarginDriver will gather your shipping and fulfillment data.
  • Shipping Cost
  • Shipping Weight
Select the Type of Shipping Integration
Shipping Software
User Manual Data Loads
I Don't See My Software Listed
Select the Integration Source
Amazon FBA
Amazon Merchant Fulfillment
Templated File Uploads
I Don't See My Software Listed
Complete the Integration
Identify Your Unlisted Software
We apologize for not currently supporting your shipping software. You can manually upload shipping data from your unsupported software into MarginDriver using standardized file templates. In addition, please enter your unlisted software below, and we will work with you to integrate it with MarginDriver. Separate multiple software items with commas. To continue, click "Done". If you have additional shipping software you wish to integrate, you can integrate them after clicking "Done".
Shipping Software
Select Your Software Version
Select the type of DesktopShipper product you currently use.
Select if you have always been using the online website version of DesktopShipper.
Cloud Hybrid
Select if you have switched to the online website version of DesktopShipper after previously using the desktop application version.
Select if you have always been using the desktop application version of DesktopShipper.
Retrieve Your Account Token
Click "View Token" to navigate to your DesktopShipper account's Token. If you are redirected to the DesktopShipper account home page instead of the API Service settings page after logging in, click "View Token" again. Once you can see your Token in the DesktopShipper API Services page, click "Next". View Token
Connect to DesktopShipper
Enter your account's Token below. Please enter a valid Token. You have already integrated this account, please enter a unique Token.
Accept Information
MarginDriver only supports manual uploads of shipping data from the desktop application version of DesktopShipper. You will need to extract shipping files from DesktopShipper and upload them to MarginDriver manually.
Retrieve Your API Keys
Click "View API Keys" to navigate to your ShipStation account's API Keys. Once you can see your API Keys in the ShipStation API Settings page, copy/paste the API Key and API Secret listed on the ShipStation page to this window, then click "Connect". View API Keys
Connect to ShipStation
Please enter a valid API Key and Secret. You have already integrated this account, please enter unique API Keys.
Retrieve Instructions
ShipWorks is a Windows desktop-only application, so some user action is required to setup ShipWorks to automatically feed data to MarginDriver. Click "Instructions" to download the setup instructions. Instructions
Complete Instructions
Click "Complete" when you have completed the tasks in the instructions. Use this text string for the last step in the instructions ("Request URI" value):
Amazon FBA
Accept Information
Amazon FBA shipments are automatically extracted and loaded into MarginDriver for every Amazon Seller Central account that is integrated in the Order Integrations section. Please ensure all of your Amazon Seller Central accounts have been integrated in the Order Integrations section.
Amazon Merchant Fulfillment
Accept Information
Amazon Merchant-Fulfilled shipping labels are automatically extracted and loaded into MarginDriver for every Amazon Seller Central account that is integrated in the Order Integrations section. Please ensure all of your Amazon Seller Central accounts have been integrated in the Order Integrations section.
User Manual Data Loads
Templated File Uploads
Accept Information
Every user has the ability to manually upload shipping data into MarginDriver using standardized file templates. This method can be used to load shipments from a source that is not currently supported by MarginDriver. If MarginDriver does not support any of your shipping sources, this can be your sole method of uploading data.